Statistik Desa
Kami memiliki sistem yang memungkinkan untuk melakukan pendataan secara cepat, akurat dan terpercaya. Berikut kami sajikan index statistik dari desa kami.

The file "advanced-iframe/js/ai_external.js" can not be saved. Please check the permissions of the js folder and save the settings again.
The file "advanced-iframe/js/ai_external.js" can not be saved. Please check the permissions of the js folder and save the settings again.
The file "advanced-iframe/js/ai_external.js" can not be saved. Please check the permissions of the js folder and save the settings again.
Sarana & Prasarana
The file "advanced-iframe/js/ai_external.js" can not be saved. Please check the permissions of the js folder and save the settings again.
APB Desa
The file "advanced-iframe/js/ai_external.js" can not be saved. Please check the permissions of the js folder and save the settings again.
The file "advanced-iframe/js/ai_external.js" can not be saved. Please check the permissions of the js folder and save the settings again.
Indeks Desa Membangun
The file "advanced-iframe/js/ai_external.js" can not be saved. Please check the permissions of the js folder and save the settings again.